Whaaaattt? Uncertainty your FRIEND???
What planet am I on? This one. In this very Universe, in fact. Here's why Uncertainty is your friend, and how it works as a (very favourable) Universal Law.
Every moment you live through is unique. Every time you walk into the office, do the washing up, walk the dog, speak to your child, make love - every single time, there is something slightly different about the event. And no matter how much you prepare for a scenario, the reality will turn out to be - to a greater or lesser degree - different to what you imagined.
This phenomenon is not unique to you, it applies to every human / life form / object that exists. Every grain of sand is unique, every snowflake, every leaf. We have to pay this some attention, for it's not a concept we were taught at school and our parents probably didn't know about it. But it's real - look it up.
In terms of Time, everything that is about to exist and has just existed are equally uncertain. The existence of a 'reality' depends on the Observer - another thing to look up if you are interested. So when something happens, a variety of perspectives may occur to you (which will certainly be different to all other perspectives of anyone else involved) before you finally settle on a 'reality' that you confine to memory. Even then, later down the line you might change your mind about that event in some way, and create a slightly different memory. Equally valid, equally real, just different.
In doing this, you slip from one version of reality to another seemingly seamlessly, only because you are not aware of the continual sliding-doors effect of Uncertainty. The myriad of possibilities that opens up to a Life Form all the time (and probably also to electrons) is infinite, potentially. All we have to do is set a course for a trajectory, and the sliding-doors effect does the rest.
Every scenario you imagine, by the way, has happened somewhere already because you imagined it. In theory, anyway. Best not to bother overthinking.
So stop worrying, right now, about what happened last year, last month or yesterday, and set your energetic self on course for excellence. Excellence is a quest, not a destination. You'll know when you've got there because other people will say so. "Excellent" is a prefix or affix attached to something recognisably good, and when you set yourself on course for that, you find events will naturally, synchronistically follow.
Why exactly that happens is still way beyond the remit of modern-day scientists, but someday soon they are going to find out what is is that drives uniqueness, is my best bet. And when they have a real handle on the time-backwards-and-forwards thing (which they haven't yet) things will shake up even further. Why do I say this (with such blinded conviction)? Because 28 years ago my version of certainty - that quantum mechanics correlated to people - was all woo, floobydust and nonsensical drivel. Now, it's mainstream thinking. So if you think I'm going to give up any time soon on the Exponential Curve, you've got another think coming.