Why wouldn't anyone want to look after a vested interest?
32 years ago I moved to the village I live in now, and the wildlife was teeming. Swallows filled the skies in summer, finches flocked to feeders, thrushes sang each morning from hawthorn trees and Dawn Chorus in spring was orchestral. Shortly after the turn of the millennium, flail and rotary blades became a must-have accessory for tractors and local farmers decided it was a great idea to cut hedges to the core every year, for no reason other than they could.
Twenty years on, summer brings in a couple of swallows, there are no finches at all and the only thrushes commonly seen are blackbirds. Even rabbits are down to a handful where a drive through the night would once have seen dozens. The practice of annual cutting-to-the-bone, unabated and unchallenged, has cost the countryside dearly in ecology and diversity, not to mention the amount of carbon that hedgerow plants can no longer absorb.
Operators of the practice (for which there is no financial incentive) lie about it being great for hedges, best for birds, and tout all kinds of poppycock in defence of their right to destroy an environment nobody thought would ever be lost. To this day, I don't know why such devastation has continued unchecked but with Hedgerow Defenders set to be a charity, there is hope of turning the tide in time.
In the engineering world, advancements in machinery have made processes much easier to achieve, quality to be maintained and manufacture to flow faster than ever before. While this has made headlines in the sector press with each new upgrade, people on the shop floor face increasingly pressurised lives. Mental health issues continue to rocket and according to the Office for National Statistics, "since 2010, men aged 45 to 64 years have had the highest age-specific suicide rates." As with the hedgerow situation, machinery found itself taking easy precedence over the living, breathing inhabitants of the environment.
So in similar impassioned fashion, WorldLine has come along to take a lead in setting the human factor back on its feet so that productivity can improve through cohesive will and performance be raised via due diligence. Culturally a shop-floor company becomes healthy and vibrant when the life force at its heart can enjoy a sense of purpose and align with a mission through the manifold of choice. The path of least resistance will have us all glooming and dooming about the worst aspects of our lot because a) we're conditioned to think that way and b) negativity is a universal default. Given a clear option, however, to better effects in personal management and a dynamic approach to the demands of the day, communities in the workplace will take the brighter route and stick with it because the evidenced advantages are so great there is no looking back (nobody ever wants to return to the dismal past they left behind).
This takes a little while, which is why WorldLine programmes last for 12 weeks and there is no short-cut option. To achieve sustainable growth, you have to allow for maturity of a concept just as you have to give time for fruit to follow blossom. The record-breaking results of such minimal patience (see the testimonial from Corus Steel) speak for themselves and happy, rejuvenated employees tend to credit their company for opportunities like this. A team-building exercise might be fun for an afternoon, but a Positive Productivity course will engage for a lifetime.
Look after the living, and your landscape will take care of itself.
